Lapsit Storytime
Havana Public Library District 201 W Adams St, Havana(0-3 years old) We ask that a caregiver stay to enjoy this interactive program with their young ones. Siblings are welcome.
(0-3 years old) We ask that a caregiver stay to enjoy this interactive program with their young ones. Siblings are welcome.
(3-6 years old) Join us for activities and stories tailored for this age level!
(family) Make a fort with your family to enjoy while reading your favorite books!
(5 and up) Join us as we explore the messy side of discovery!
(All Ages) Show us what you read during the week to get a prize!
(5 and up) A child younger than 5 can participate in this event if assisted by their caregiver.
(5 and up) A child younger than 5 can participate in this event if assisted by their caregiver.
(All Ages) Come listen as the library staff and guests read some of their favorite stories.
(5 and up) A weekly program where younger readers are partnered with more experienced ones.
(5 and up) Can you complete the library staff’s weekly challenge?