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Board Meeting at 4:45 p.m.
May 14, 2020 @ 4:45 pm - 6:00 pm
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Meeting ID: 850 9940 1451
Password: 1mJ0k0
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Meeting ID: 850 9940 1451
Password: 614131
I. Call to Order
II.Roll Call
III. President’s Report
IV.Secretary’s Report: approval of minutes as received or corrected
a. Minutes from April 9, 2020 Meeting
b. Minutes from Special Meeting, April 23, 2020
V.Correspondence, communications, and public comment
VI. Treasurer’s Report
a. Monthly budget report and review of bills payable April 2020
VII. Librarian’s (Vanessa Hall-Bennett) report
VIII. Unfinished Business
IX.New Business
a.Resolution 20-01: IMRF Benefit Leave
b.Summer Reading Program 2020
c.Building Maintenance: Plumbing, Mailbox
d.Employee Expense Reimbursement
e. HPLD Meeting Dates 2020-2021
f. EBSCO NoveList database
X. PublicComment
XI. Adjournment